How to correct red and green colour casts in Lightroom / HSL and Camera Calibration
Post Processing/ Presets Jenny Wu Post Processing/ Presets Jenny Wu

How to correct red and green colour casts in Lightroom / HSL and Camera Calibration

I think most portrait photographers would agree with me when I say that the dealing with colour casts coming off a red brick wall and green grass are are a classic pain in the butt. To be honest, most of the time when I shoot I like to position my subjects away from potential colour correction headaches - but sometimes the brick wall is irresistible and a shooting in a forest is always so worth it.

When editing a portrait session in Lightroom, I used to rely on using adjustment brushes to alter saturation, tint, temperature, and add a neutralising colour to specific areas, but this is time consuming and only feasible for a small number of hero shots. More recently I’ve started learning and experimenting with colour correction techniques in the HSL and Camera Calibration - with edits that can be synced across multiple photos.

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